Big Mind Small Mind-Practical Spirituality

So there’s the big mind and small mind. Big Mind, I am nothing, I want nothing..I am not this body. Small mind, I am this position, race, class,gender, I want that job and that chocolate, and ouch that hurts!! Truth is multidimensional. The spiritual path does attempt to keep you aware of the big mind…

Giving you 3 minutes of feel-good about our world right now.

It’s so easy for us to switch on the news, scroll through your news feed or skim over the newspaper and be bombarded with the terror and injustices that plague our society. So I’m here to do the opposite today ( And please know that  I acknowledge every injustice and struggle on our path, and…

Can we eliminate evil?

Can We Eliminate Evil? Thoughts from Through the Wormhole series. Moral code is programmed into us and we are born with empathy. It’s just more spontaneous in some. We have built in morality but its fragile, however, we can strengthen our willpower and long term decision-making (Proven). 1. If you have the genetics of a…

Memory Stored Over Generations

As a kid I used to wonder why I had to learn history. And my dad used to say, so we can understand and appreciate our present! I hated learning dates and the depressing events of history, and struggled to fathom why schools were doing this to us! I still have an issue with the…

The Real Life Goddess

Aspects of the Hindu forms of God sometimes appear with many hands. Especially the Goddess forms. Simply, it’s symbolic of her power, strength, abilities, and dynamism. And she still looks so calm. I’ve noticed that women are able to do this very naturally. This image is certainly not saying what a woman should do, in…

The Truth about Trees

Perplexed Trees are witness to everything around us. They have lived longer and see more than many of us ever will. When we feel overwhelmed or perplexed, the magnificence of nature is something that can keep us grounded. Literally, earthing, is to walk barefoot on the earth absorbing the energy beneath your feet. This feeling,…

Water: Our Composition & Our Solution

The human body is composed of 70% water. Our brains are about 85% water. I particularly love water, I order it wherever I go. The earliest I can trace this habit back to was when I was a baby and my mother ‘incentivised’ me to eat by using water in a spoon. Little did I realise, as…

‘Nothing Lasts Forever But the Earth and Sky’

Just a 2 weeks ago my father and I sang this song, on a ship! One of the greatest memories. I thank him for teaching me about music and meaning. The lyrics of Dust In The Wind Lyrics by Kansas really speaks about how temporary our life time is. “I close my eyes, only for…

The Essence of Ethics

  Has social need become the reason for morality, rather than inner necessity? What determines a a person’s ethical being? Ethics is not really what we learnt in philosophy class. It should not be a calculation of good and evil, but rather an attempt to grow into a divine nature. Or at least this is the…

10 Lines on Love

The beautiful thing we call love is shrouded in ego and desire – the hope of advantage, a cycle of craving and demand, and when the demand is not satisfied, the love comes to an end. This brings suffering, disappointment and disillusion. And then you hear people say, “I never want to date again”. This…